I’m ready for my great trip to the inhospitable environment of the atacama desert in Chile! I am so excited to see the (burning mountains) vulcanoes, geysires and I will have a very interessting meeting with a scientist – where? up there – 5000 meter altitude in the ALMA (the biggest radiotelescope on earth)
Thanks so much for preparing my body – special thanks to Univ.Prof.Dr Wolfram Müller & Ing. Alfred Fürhapter-Rieger at the Institute of Buiphyhsics at the Med.Uni Graz!
Mein zukünftiges Fitnesscenter inkl. Höhenkammer! Begleitet werde ich von Prof. Dr. Wolfram Müller/Medical University of Graz – Institute of Biophysics!
My future fitness center incl. Altitude chamber! I am accompanied by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Müller/Medical University of Graz – Institute of Biophysics!
I´m 21,5 Martian years old! check it out … „g“ http://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/age/
…finally here and available in bookstores and throughout the web! The first book about „Mars One – Humanity´s next great adventure“, edit by Norbert Kraft – MD! Including all key facts about the project, the mission timeline and complete information on technology, medicine, health and fitness, cultures, communication and of course, the life on Mars and much more …